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Years ago, zoos kept all kinds of animals in small cages. Small cages made it easy for people to see the animals, but small cage is not a good place for an animal to live in. Today zoos keep animals in different kinds of cages. The cages are very big and open. They usually have plants and a little lake. The cages look like the animals' habitats. Zoos help to protect all kinds of animals. They protect animals in the zoo and they protect animals in the wild. How do they do this? Zoos teach people how animals live in the wild. Zoos want people to help protect the animals' wild habitats. Many plants and animals are going extinct. Mammoths, which are related with Asia elephants, are now extinct. There are no mammoths in the world today. Scientists say that seventy-four different kinds of living things go extinct every day! Zoos are working together to stop animals from going extinct.
1Zoos kept animals in small cages so that people can _____.
·Aprotect them
·Bsee them better
·Cfeed them
·Dsave them
考生答案:无   标准答案:B
试题解析:【解析】第一段第二句Small cages made it easy for people to see the animals. 说明:用小笼子圈养动物就是为了让人们更容易地观察动物。
2Today, zoos keep animals _____.
·Ain bigger cages
·Bat home
·Cin smaller cages
·Din the forest
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考生答案:无   标准答案:A
试题解析:【解析】第二段第一、二句Today zoos keep animals in different kinds of cages. The cages are very big and open 说明:现在动物园用不同的笼子饲养动物。这些笼子很大,而且是开放式的。
3To protect animals, zoos _____.
·Aare trying to keep all kinds of animals
·Bare trying to free the animals
·Cteach people more about animals
·Dwant people to feed the animals
考生答案:无   标准答案:C
试题解析:【解析】第三段最后两句Zoos teach people how animals live in the wild. Zoos want people to help protect the animals' wild habitats. 说明:动物园向人们展示了动物在野外怎样生存。动物园希望人们能保护动物的野生栖息地。
4A mammoth is a kind of _____ that has gone extinct.
考生答案:无   标准答案:C
试题解析:【解析】 第四段提到 Mammoths, which are related with Asia elephants, are now extinct. 说明:与亚洲象有亲缘关系的猛犸象,现在已经灭绝了。因为亚洲象是动物,所以mammoths也应该是动物。
5An animal or a plant that is going extinct _____.
·Ahas more and more living members
·Bcomes into this world soon
·Cbecomes very dangerous
·Dhas fewer and fewer living members
考生答案:无   标准答案:D
试题解析:【解析】本题考察extinct的词义。 因为原文最后一段第二、三句提到Mammoths, are now extinct. There are no mammoths in the world today. Mammoths现在extinct。接着说世界上没有mammoths了,所以extinct意思应该是“灭绝的”,与fewer and fewer 的意思相当。
Do you like traveling? When you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben, the famous clock which can be heard all over the world on the BBC. If the Houses of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834, the great clock would never have been set up. Big Ben takes its name from Sir Benjamin Hall who made the clock when the new Houses of Parliament were being built. It is not only large, but is very exact(精确的)as well. People have the clock checked twice a day. On the BBC, you can hear the clock when it is actually striking because microphones (麦克风) are connected to the clock tower. Big Ben has rarely gone wrong. Once, however, it failed to give the correct time. A painter who had been working on the tower hung a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down.
6Big Ben is ____.
·Aa famous builder in London
·Ba famous painter in England
·Ca famous singer in the world
·Da famous clock in the world
考生答案:无   标准答案:D
试题解析:【解析】本题考核细节。文章第一段开头就明确说Big Ben是座名钟。
7The Houses of Parliament were ____.
·Aburn down in 1834 and rebuilt the next year
·Bnever burnt down at all
·Crebuilt before the clock was set up
·Dburnt down in 1834 after the clock was made
考生答案:无   标准答案:C
试题解析:【解析】本题考核细节。文章第一段结尾说:如果没有1834年国会大厦被烧毁(在先),那么就不会有(后来的)Big Ben 这座钟了。
8Benjamin Hall is ____.
·Aa big hall
·Ba world-famous clock
·Can engineer of the new Houses
·Dthe person who made the clock
考生答案:无   标准答案:D
试题解析:【解析】本题考核细节。由文章第二段第一句话得知Sir Benjamin HallBig Ben的制造者。
9Big Ben is famous all over the world because ____.
·Ait is big
·Bit is old
·Cit tells exact time
·Dboth A and C
考生答案:无   标准答案:D
试题解析:【解析】本题考核细节。由文章第二段It is not only large, but is very exact as well. 可知Big Ben不仅外形庞大,而且走时也准。
10Which of the following is not true?
·AWe can hear the clock striking on BBC.
·BThe microphones of BBC are connected to the clock tower.
·CBig Ben failed to give the correct time twice.
·DBig Ben was checked twice a day.
考生答案:无   标准答案:C
试题解析:【解析】本题考核细节和判断。最后一段Once, however, it failed to tell the correct time. 说明:然而,有一次它没有显示正确的时间。所以C选项不符合文章意思,是不正确的。
11Can you speak Japanese? Yes, but only ____.
·Aa little
·Ca few
考生答案:无   标准答案:A
试题解析:因为Japanese(日语)是不可数名词,所以用a little。而a few, few是修饰可数名词的。
12I want _____ a picture for her.
·Ato draw
考生答案:无   标准答案:A
试题解析:两个谓语动词不可能前后相接,他们之中必须有一个用非谓语动词的形式,即用不定式to do,现在分词doing,或过去分词done中的一种。这里用不定式的形式,即to draw,表示将要发生的事。
13I always go to the zoo on Saturday, but _____ I go to the movies.
考生答案:无   标准答案:C
14----Are Lily and you singing? ----____
·AYes, they are.
·BYes, we are.
·CNo, they aren't.
·DNo, we are.
考生答案:无   标准答案:B
15We have much _____ today.
·Ca homework
考生答案:无   标准答案:B
16_____ Sundays we stay at home.
考生答案:无   标准答案:D
17There is some water in the bottle, _____?
·Aisn't there
·Bis there
·Cisn't it
·Dis it
考生答案:无   标准答案:A
试题解析:该题考察反意疑问句。反意疑问句的陈述部分如果是肯定,疑问尾句则用否定;前面如果是否定,则后面用肯定。这里前面是There is, 所以后面用isn't there
18----Who has an eraser? ----I have ____ here.
·Cthe eraser
考生答案:无   标准答案:B
试题解析:这里用one代替前面的an eraser。如果用itthe eraser代替,必须指同一“块”橡皮,别的橡皮就不行。而用one代替,则指同一“类”东西,只要是橡皮就成。
19----_____ does Mr. Wang have lunch? ---- He has it _____ the office.
·AWhere; in
·BWhat time; on
·CHow; in
·DWhat; for
考生答案:无   标准答案:A
试题解析:因为句子的意思是:王先生在哪里用午餐? 在办公室用。所以第一个空用where(在哪里),后面用表示地点的介词in
20He often writes____ his parents.
考生答案:无   标准答案:C
试题解析:write to sb(给某人写信)是固定搭配。
What is the best way to learn a language? We should remember that we all learn our own language well when we were __21__. We learned to talk when we were about one year old. If we could learn a second __22__ in the same way, it would not seem so difficult. Think of what a small child does. It listens to what people say and tries to imitate(模仿) what it hears. When it wants something, it has to ask for it. It is using the language, talking in it, and thinking it all the time. If __23__ had to use a second language all the time, they would learn it quickly. We learn our own language by hearing people speak it, not by seeing what they write. We imitate what we hear. In __24__, though we learn to read and write as well as to hear and speak, it is the best to learn all the new words through the __25__. You can read them, spell them, and write them later.
考生答案:无   标准答案:D
考生答案:无   标准答案:C
试题解析: 此处考核固定搭配,a second language 意思是一门第二外语。
考生答案:无   标准答案:A
试题解析: 根据语法和上下文句意可知正确答案是people
考生答案:无   标准答案:E
试题解析:此处考核固定搭配,in school 意思是上学。
考生答案:无   标准答案:B
试题解析:此处考核对上下文的理解,through the ear意思是通过用耳朵。
An Englishman was showing a foreign visitor ___26___ London.What's that strange building?asked the visitor.That's the Tower of London.”“I see. How ___27___ did it take to build it?”“About 500 years. ”“In my country we can build it ____28__ five months,said the visitor. Shortly after that they came to the St. Paul's Cathedral. Very interesting.said the visitor. How long did it take to build it?”“Nearly forty years,said the Englishman. In my country we can finish it in forty days,said the visitor. This went ___29___ all day. They visited most of the best known buildings in the city. Every time they saw a new one, the visitor asked what it was and how long it took to build it. Then he said that they ___30 ___ do the same thing much faster than in this country. At last the Englishman got angry with the visitor though he tried not to show it. Several days later they came to the House of Parliament and the visitor asked his usual question. What's that?The Englishman answered, I've no idea. It wasn't there last night.
考生答案:无   标准答案:D
考生答案:无   标准答案:E
试题解析:根据语法、句意:此处只能选用形容词how long( 多长时间)
考生答案:无   标准答案:C
试题解析:根据语法、句意:in(在……时间内)five months
考生答案:无   标准答案:B
试题解析:根据语法、句意:went on(继续了)all day(一整天)。
考生答案:无   标准答案:A
试题解析:根据语法、句意:能够,此处缺少的是情态动词,could (能够)。
31It is possible to live in such an air-conditioned existence that you are hardly known of the seasons.
32All the simple, good things of life like sunshine and fresh air are difficult to obtain, and then, are highly valued.
33American cities are changing, just as American society is changing.
34They prefer the city to the countryside because their jobs are there.
标准答案:I am Chinese.
标准答案:Welcome to Beijing.
标准答案:Can I have some water?
标准答案:Could you call a taxi for me?


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