统考辅导 发表于 2021-9-13 22:13:52


大学英语b统考题库交际英语1、- I'm sorry I broke your mirror.- _____A.It's OK with me.       B.It doesn't matter.C.You are welcome.      D.I don't care.答案:B获取大学英语B统考题库
2、- Will you come to my birthday party this Sunday?- _____A.I'm very busy.    B.Ok, I don't.C.Ok, I do.                D.Ok, I will.答案:D3、- Excuse me, when does the next flight from Paris arrive?- _________A.In half an hour.      B.An hour before.C.Until the next one.    D.Before another one.答案:A4、- Do you think it's going to rain over the weekend?- _________A.I don't believe.   B.I don't believe it.C.I don't think.   D.I don't think so.答案:D奥鹏远程教育、网络教育大学英语B、计算机应用基础统考题库整套题库,整理归类完毕,全中文翻译,视频教程讲解,一次通过,索取请加QQ: 81442400
5、- I'd like to invite you to dinner this Saturday, Mr. Smith.- _________A.Oh, no. let's not.B.I'd rather stay at home.C.I'm sorry, but I have other plans.D.Oh, no. That'll be too much trouble.答案:C6、- Let me introduce Peter to you. He is my roommate.- _________A.Hello, Peter.                  B.Sorry, I don't know him.C.Let me introduce Peter, too.   D.Who are you?答案:A7、- This is Bill speaking. May I speak to Mr. Smith?- _________. Here he comes.A.No, speaking.   B.Don't go away.C.Who are you?D.Hold on.答案:D8、- Let me give you a lift(搭便车).- _________ I prefer to walk on such a lovely day.A.Thank you.               B.No, thanks.C.You are welcome.      D.No, you can't.答案:B9、- May I introduce myself? I'm Li Hua.- _________A.I'm Todd Smith. It's nice to meet you.B.I'm Todd Smith. How old are you?C.Thank you.D.Oh, here is my card. You can have a look.答案:A10、- _________ - Oh, well, I'll speak a little slower.A.How long do you speak?B.How do you like my speech?C.Do you speak English?D.I'm sorry I can't understand you.答案:D11、- I'm sorry I'm late.- _________ Come earlier next time.A.Sure.B.You are welcome.C.It doesn't matter.D.I don't know.答案:C12、- Could you please open the window?- _________A.I can't.      B.Go ahead.    C.Sure.   D.It's really very kind.答案:C13、- Would you come and have dinner with us?- _________A.No, I think I do.    B.No, never mind.C.Yes, please.      D.Thanks. I will.答案:D14、- Which would you like? Tea or coffee?- _________A.Sure, I would. B.Yes, pleasure.C.Yes, thank you.D.Tea, please.答案:D15、- I'm looking for a shirt for my father.- _________A.What size do you wear?B.What can I do for you?C.How about this one?D.What size does your father wear?答案:D
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