统考辅导 发表于 2021-9-13 22:07:23


2021年奥鹏远程网络教育大学英语c统考题库Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. It is true.People usually begin their talks with "Isn' t it a nice day?" "Do you think it willrain?" "What a fine day!" etc.Many people think they can tell what the weather is going to be like. But theyhardly agree with each other. One man may say, "Do you see how cloudy it is in theeast? It' s going to rain tomorrow. " Another man will say, "No, it' s going to be finetomorrow. "People often look for the weather they want. When a farmer needs water, he looksfor something to tell him it' s going to rain; he won' t believe anything else. Whenfriends have a travel, they are sure the weather is going to clear up very quickly.Almost everyone listens to what the weather man says. But he doesn' t always tellus what we want, and once in a while he makes a mistake. Still, he probably comescloser to being correct than anyone else.1、 "Nobody does anything about the weather" means nobody can talk about weather.A、 True B、 False【答案】B。【解析】从题干关键词 nobody, weather, 定位文中第一句: Everybody talks aboutthe weather, but nobody does anything about it. (每个人都谈论天气, 但是没有人对天气做任何改变。), 可知应选择 B。2、 Asking each other' s names is a common way to start a talk.A、 True B、 False【答案】B 【解析】从题干关键词 start a talk, 定位文中 People usually begin their talkswith "Isn' t it a nice day?" "Do you think it will rain?" "What a fine day!" etc.(人们经常这样开始交谈: “今天不是个好天气吗? ”“你认为要下雨了吗”“多好的天气!”等等。), 这里没有提到问名字的话题。3、 When it is cloudy in the east, you can’ t make sure that it must be cloudy tomorrow.A、 True B、 False【答案】 A【解析】 从题干关键词 cloudy, east, 定位文中 One man may say, "Do you seehow cloudy it is in the east? It' s going to rain tomorrow. " Another man will say,"No, it' s going to be fine tomorrow. "(一个人说“你看见东边的云多厚了吗? 明天会下雨。” 另一个人会说“不, 明天会天晴。”), 可知人们的意见不一致, 天气的变化也是莫测的。4、 Many people hope the weather will be fine.A、 True B、 False【答案】 B【解析】 从题干关键词 many people, hope, 定位文中 People often look for theweather they want. (人们经常希望他们想要的天气。), 而人们想要的并不都是晴天。5、 A weatherman probably is a man who reports weather.A、 True B、 False【答案】 A【解析】 从题干关键词 weatherman, 定位文中 Almost everyone listens to whatthe weatherman says. (几乎每个人都听天气预报员说了什么。), 得知 weatherman 是报告天气的人。奥鹏远程教育、网络教育大学英语B、计算机应用基础,整套题库,整理归类完毕,全中文翻译,视频教程讲解,一次通过,索取请加QQ: 81442400
The lunar (阴历的) New Year always starts between January the twenty-first andFebruary the twentieth.Before New Year’ s Day, people do a good cleaning to their houses. On the lastday of the old year, there is a family dinner. All members of the family except marrieddaughters try to come for their meal. After the dinner, they stay late to welcomethe New Year.The New Year Celebration keeps on for a few days. On the morning of the firstday, children and unmarried people go to visit their elders. After that, people payNew Year calls to each other and give each other gifts.During the festival all the main streets are full of people, and if you can get ontoa bus without having to fight your way in, you’ re really lucky!1、 As we know, January 1 is ____.A、 the lunar New Year Day B、 not a holidayC、 the Spring Festival D、 New Year’ s Day【答案】 D【解析】 题目问一月 一日(January 1) 是哪一天。 答案应该是元旦, 新年的第一天。 而不是 the lunar New Year Day(农历新年), 即 Spring Festival(春节)。2、 What day is the lunar New Year’ s Eve?A、 Between December 1 of the old year and January 1 of the New Year.B、 Before January 19.C、 Between January the 21st and February the 19th.D、 After February the twentieth.【答案】 C【解析】 题目问农历的除夕是哪一天。 定位第一句 The lunar (阴历的) New Yearalways starts between January the twenty-first and February of the twentieth. (农历新年总是在 1 月 21 日到 2 月 20 之间。) 所以除夕也在这之间。

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